
Monday, July 31, 2006

Web 2.0

Lenhart, A. and Madden, M. Teen Content Creators and Consumers. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project, November 2, 2005, states-“ more teens in urban USA with family incomes of less than $30k are publishing digital media to the web than any other group of kids!”

Dr Tyson from Mabry provided me with this interesting statistic.
This is important for our community… for me it says…

This is not about current economic status it is about leading the way for the future. It is about envisioning our students effective and successful in the world market place and WEB 2.0 levels the playing field so let’s get on with helping them discover the knowledge and use it to secure their place in the future! They already know it gives them a voice and they know they can create so lets help them with the purpose and vision..

Maybe reading the World is Flat should be part of the curriculum.

A Light bulb (of sorts)
Reviewing Will Richardson's notes from his Open Source presentation at NECC something struck me that may make a difference in how we blog at school and how we present blogging. In defining blogging and differentiating it from a more general concept of blogging he talks about “Real blogging”
Links with analysis and synthesis that articulates a deeper understanding or relationship to the content being linked and written with potential audience response in mind. (Real blogging)
Extended analysis and synthesis over a longer period of time that builds on previous posts, links and comments. (Complex blogging)

I think this is a key in understanding how to employ the tool and in teaching effective, responsible us of this technology.
If we reach the stage of blogging that is analytical and based on reading (aha web 2.0) then the issues surrounding social and personal blogging are significantly lessened. While there are still ethical issues and conventions of politeness to follow…the emphasis has shifted from me (and others) to the text, idea or concept. There is much less rason or opportunity to stray into the personal or social realm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As with the implementation of anything else in the classroom, there are "good" ways of doing things and "bad" ways of doing them. This year I believe that many classes will jump on the blog bandwagon (if legislation allows it) and "do" blogs with their kids. I think that the challenge and opportunity this year lies with learning to blog well, and effectively, leading to deeper understandings of issues.